Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Back Home In Kampala

I am so happy to be back in Kampala, Uganda where the weather is always sunny and hot. It is such a nice change after the freezing cold temperatures in Minnesota. I heard it was still only 0 degrees yesterday. Yikes! I am so glad to be free of the cold!

I live in the same house with the same family that I lived with last year. The house is located on a main road just outside the city limits. I do not have a car here so I use public transportation. There are currently 3 ways for me to get around town: a large van called a "taxi", on the back of a motorbike called a "boda boda," or to walk. I have used all three forms of transportation in the last week and I am happy to say that I feel very comfortable. The scariest form of transportation is the boda boda. Typically, you ride on the back of the motorcycle and then proceed to weave in and out of traffic. They drive fast and very close to other cars. It is dangerous, so I am very careful about when I take them.

I went to the International School today and met some of the teachers that I will be subbing for. My first subbing job will be for Ms. Infield, a teacher originally from the UK. She teaches 2nd grade and only has 10 students in her class. That's right 10 students plus a full time teacher's aide. Can you imagine if you only had 10 students in your class? As part of their PE class, they go swimming every day in the beautiful outdoor pool. It is so beautiful! I will try to include some pictures next time I write to you.

This afternoon, I will be visiting some very special ladies. I got to know some widows last year. Widows are women whose husbands have died. Most of these ladies are sick with a disease called HIV and are struggling to care for 5 or more children. They are living in poverty. Poverty is when you can't meet two of your three basic needs. That means that most of these women are unable to feed, clothe or provide shelter for themselves and their children. I spent a lot of time last year trying to help these ladies, so this afternoon I will visit some of them to see how they are doing.

I hope you all are working hard at school and being good for Ms. Graef! Feel free to email questions or comments. I would love to hear from you!

Ms. Miller

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am happy to hear that you arrived safely and are doing well in Africa. I have been thinking of you. Please continue to share your journey.

Have a great day!
