Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hello From Uganda

Hi! I was so excited to read everyone's comments and questions. There were so many which is great and I will try to answer as many as I can.

I am thrilled to now be in Uganda with all my friends. I am now staying with my friend Veronica. We have been friends for six years. She was the manager of the project that takes care of my sponsored children, Maria & Peter. Now, she works here in the main city of Kampala for World Vision head quarters. Her house is simple. There is no tub or shower. Instead we fill a bucket with water and I cup my hands and splash water on myself to bathe. Then I bend down and stick my whole head in the bucket. It took some getting used to but I am now used to it. We buy our food fresh in the market every day. The picture I attached in the banana market near our house. The electricity in her house works sometimes, but not always. We have not had power for two days, so we are using gas lanterns at night. I also sleep under a mosquito net which keeps me safe from malaria. Malaria is a disease that many people get here. It can make you very sick and some die, so it is very serious. Don't worry though I have medicine that keeps me safe from the disease.

Each day I come into the city and go to Corner Stone. Corner Stone is a ministry for street orphans. These orphans are taken off the street and given a home to live in where other Ugandan ladies take care of them. Right now I am just building relationships with them so they feel comfortable with me. Next week I will tutor some of the students in small groups in English. I will also just be their friend and play games with them. It is very exciting to be positive adult in thier lives. I have met many, many people who are now adults working at Corner Stone who were once orphans themselves. Now because of Corner Stone, they are living good lives. Isn't that exciting! I know some of you wanted to be pen pals and I may be able to set that up, but for now I need to concentrate on just gaining thier trust and creating relationships with them myself. I will keep you posted.

As for animals, I see a lot of chickens, goats and cattle. They roam around where I live, so I see them everyday. The other kinds of animals like giraffe, lions and monkeys are only in the game parks, so I don't see them.

I wish I could send lots of pictures but I am on dial up and it is VERY SLOW to just do one picture. However, I will show you lots and lots when I get back in the fall!

I miss you all! I am glad you are working hard on your tests! I know you will do great!

Ms. MIller

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