Saturday, April 14, 2007

Daystar University

Jambo everyone! I spent this week at the Athi River Campus of Daystar University this week. Athi River is about 40 minutes outside of Nairobi. It was fun to see all the students our church supports there. They are studying hard. I am so proud of all they are accomplishing. (I hope you all are continuing to work hard for Mr. Feige!) The students at Daystar come from all kinds of backgrounds. Some of the students are from wealthy Kenyan families; some are working a year-studying a year-then working a year, and most are orphans who are being sponsored by someone else. Many students are orphaned in Kenya due to malaria and AIDS. It makes it difficult for them to attend school, so it is very exciting when churches, organizations and individual donors can help them.

Friday, I came back to the Nairobi campus of Daystar University where many of their Masters and PHD students are studying. I met one man named Majok. He is getting his Masters in Education and then returning to Sudan to be in charge of education for the southern province of Sudan. There is war in his country so he is hoping to go back and through education create peace. It was very inspiring to talk to him.

I will be heading out to see James on Tuesday. (Hopefully!) James had something sad happen to his family. His nephew died suddenly and they are having the funeral this week so things are quite busy for James. This nephew and his sister were orphans, as James’ brother died in a bus accident last year. James was in the process of adopting this nephew and his sister, so his death was devastating. Please keep James and his family in your thoughts and prayers. When all is settled with James, I will head out to Ogembo where he lives. It takes 8 hours by bus to get there over very rough road. There is little electricity, so I may not be able to write you as often, but I will try.

It is sunny and hot here everyday and rains most afternoons. I like the rain here. It smells like fresh flowers and cut grass. It makes me smile.

I hope you are working hard and enjoying school. I miss you!!

Ms. Miller

1 comment:

Evan and Meghan said...

Hi Ms. Miller,
We really really really miss you, but we are having a good time learning at school. We are all looking forward to seeing pictures of your travels (a monkey for Tommy and a chicken for Duncan and Tim). Carl say's, "don't forget to fill out the questionaire." We are still preparing for our HUGE choral concert and we are sad that you are not going to be there...we will have to show you the tape when you come back! We will write soon, but give James our deepest condolences and wish him the best from Susan Lindgren.
We miss you,
The Fourth Graders at Susan Lindgren (Mr. Feige)