Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Vacation In Gulu

A couple weeks ago I went to Gulu, Uganda. Gulu is located in the Northern part of Uganda. Can you find it on the map? Gulu can be translated as “heaven” and let me tell you it so beautiful there that you think you are in heaven. Each banana tree, each palm tree, each small plant is a deep green and the flowers are radiant. Each flower is like a burst of color. It is truly a beauty you only see in a tropical climate. Gulu is also not far from the Nile River. It is a mighty river full of waterfalls, intense rapids and incredible animal life. The river serves as a water source for hippos, rhinos, giraffes, zebras, elephants and baboons. In fact as the bus crossed the bridge spanning the mighty Nile, several baboons and their young sat along the road staring as we drove by.

With all this beauty and a name like heaven, it is hard to believe that war has been a part of this place for the last 20 years. The Lords Resistance Army (LRA) has been fighting the National Ugandan forces for what for many children here seems like a lifetime. The LRA gets more soldiers by kidnapping children as young as 8 years and forcing them to join them. These children are taken from their families and often forced to kill their family and neighbors. They are hurt if they try to escape, yet some do escape. They are the lucky ones. However, they often have no family left to go home to, so many organizations, like Cornerstone, have created homes for them to live in. While I was in Gulu, I stayed at one of those homes. I ate with those formerly abducted children. I played games with them. (Susan, I brought the games you gave me to them and they loved them! Thank you for your kindness!) I watched some movies on the computer with them. I watched as they danced their traditional Acholi dance. I let them take pictures with my camera. I really loved being with them and seeing how the therapy they are now experiencing is helping them heal from the bad things that have happened to them. They are slowly learning to be kids again!

Since I have returned from Gulu, I have been helping more widows. Two widows were very sick with AIDS, but have now regained some strength and are now doing better. There are now 3 widows that have been able to send their children back to school and still more who have now started a jewelry making business. It is exciting to help people and to watch them get better! Most of my days are spent visiting these widows and being their friend.

On Thursday, I will be going back to the International School to substitute teach for another class. It will be fun to see all the students there again!

If you want to see pictures of Gulu, please go to http://picasaweb.google.com/kari.lisa101271 and look for the Gulu folder.

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the warmer weather! I know I am!

Ms. Miller

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is good to see the help that the people there are getting

It was warm here a few days ago but (you wont believe this but) IT IS SNOWING!!

We miss you here and I hope you are having a good time in Africa